Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rockstar Games Delays Max Payne 3 Release Until May

Eager gamers will have to wait until May before getting their hands on the new dark and gritty third-shooter game Max Payne 3. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game will hit U.S. shelves on May 15 and May 18 in Europe. Fans will have to wait even longer for the PC version that lets out on May 29 in the U.S. and on June 1 in Europe.
Video gamers and blogs speculate that the delayed release is an effort to avoid sharing the spotlight with highly anticipated Mass Effect 3, to be released on March 6, around the time Max Payne 3 was set to release originally.
On Wednesday, Rockstar Games released a preview video for Max Payne 3, which received rave reviews from gamers on Twitter. The three-minute video shows off the game’s advanced design and technological features. The developers have said this game will be very realistic, incorporating powerful storytelling and “precise and fluid gunplay.”

The game follows Max Payne, an ex-New York detective onto the dangerous streets of São Paulo, Brazil.
The preview video shows prospective gamers what it would be like to play the hero in Max Payne 3 with first-person precision targeting capabilities while Max’s full body is still visible. The picture is clear and motions are fluid — Max’s upper body can shift while he shoots and runs away from enemies.
Gun fire is quick and powerful enough to send enemies flying and their blood spewing. The game takes into account the weight of the guns — Max’s balance shifts when he holds a pistol in one hand and a rifle in the other. Another Design & Technology Series preview video is expected to release soon.
The game is available for pre-order online until April 2 while supplies last.
Images courtesy of Rockstar Games

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